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Lekcje mistrzowskie z prof. Luciano Tortorellim (gitara) | 14-16.05.2024

Katedra Gitary i Harfy zaprasza na wykład i lekcje mistrzowskie z profesorem Luciano Tortorellim z Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Martucci, Salerno (Włochy).

Zajęcia odbędą się w ramach programu Erasmus+.




wtorek 14 maja 2024, 18:00
Sala 2.2
ul. Potebni 7

Wykład profesora Luciano Tortorellego: From Franco Margola to Alvaro Company (two different formal languages expressing the spiritual transparency of the guitar for an alternative modernity)

środa 15 maja 2024
Sala Kameralna
ul. św. Tomasza 43

10:00-15:30 Lekcje mistrzowskie

czwartek 16 maja 2024
Sala Kameralna
ul. św. Tomasza 43

9:30-13:00 Lekcje mistrzowskie

Luciano Tortorelli (guitar)

Luciano Tortorelli is a renowned classical guitar performer and professor based in Italy. Born with a natural gift to connect with music, he started his journey at a young age. His unbreakable bond with the guitar has allowed him to master the art of classical guitar performance and teaching. With his soulful music and mesmerizing performances, he has been captivating audiences worldwide. He is also a renowned professor, guiding and inspiring young talents.

More: WWW