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Tasks of coordinator of accessibility for persons with special needs

According to the Act of 19 July 2019 on provision of accessibility for persons with special needs, by virtue of the Ordinance No. 39 of the Rector of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow of 1 December 2023, the role of coordinator of accessibility for persons with special needs was established – and filled by mgr Agnieszka Czyczyło.


Tasks of the coordinator of accessibility for persons with special needs at AMKP:

  1. Supporting persons with special needs in access to educational services provided by the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow (AMKP).
  2. Developing and coordinating the implementation of the plan to improve the provision of accessibility to persons with special needs, including in particular the analysis of the current state of providing accessibility for persons with special needs by AMKP, as well as planning activities for improvement of the realisation of tasks in the area of accessibility.
  3. Preparing an annual, collective report on the state of accessibility provided for persons with special needs.
  4. Monitoring the activities of AMKP in terms of providing accessibility to persons with special needs in the following areas: architecture, digital and communication/information.
  5. Cooperation with external environment in order to provide accessibility of AMKP as an entity providing educational services in the areas mentioned in point 4.
  6. Monitoring legal solutions in Poland and other countries regarding persons with special needs.
  7. Monitoring activity of AMKP in the area of providing accessibility to persons with special needs.
  8. Supporting AMKP staff in the scope of implementation of accessibility.
  9. Promoting AMKP as an institution accessible for persons with special needs.