music magazines
sheet music for symphony and chamber orchestras
new positions


The READING ROOM is located on the first floor of the Academy building at ul. Świętego Tomasza 43 in room 121. Current opening hours are available here .

The following items are available in the Reading Room for anyone interested:
encyclopaedias, directories, dictionaries, lexicons, selected books about music and related fields, and magazines in current subscription (titles below).

The list of items and their location on the shelves can be found in the card catalogue available on site. The detailed location of reference collections is presented on the notice board.

The Reading Room is equipped with two computer stations with Internet access and a scanner.

It is allowed to self-copy excerpts from books or articles from magazines for academic purposes.

During the academic year, the Reading Room also provides sheet music for current symphony and chamber orchestra projects.

→ Contact the Reading Room


Music magazines

Music journals and magazines in current AMKP Library’s subscription:

Polish journals and magazines:

  1. Jazz Forum
  2. Muzyka
  3. Ruch Muzyczny
  4. Wychowanie Muzyczne

Foreign journals and magazines:

  1. British Journal of Music Education
  2. Cambridge Opera Journal
  3. Early Music
  4. Journal of Music Theory
  5. Music Analysis
  6. The Musical Quarterly
  7. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik
  8. 19th Century Music
  9. Notes
  10. Opera
  11. BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute

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As part of the documents of the musical life of Krakow, the Library also collects materials related to the various activities of the Academy of Music. These are press cuttings, posters and programmes of concerts, festivals and academic conferences. These materials are the basis for the Chronicle of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow. It can be used on site in the Reading Room, after placing an order in the Lending Room.

→ Contact the Chronicle


Sheet music for orchestras

In the Reading Room you can borrow sheet music for symphony and chamber orchestras. In order to borrow materials for orchestra, you must first register with the Library (rm 122). Sheet music must be returned within 3 working days after the concert. The lost or damaged sheet music must be immediately reported to the Library. The borrower is financially responsible for any damage.


New items


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