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Please note that we publish short-term last-minute announcements on our Facebook page.


Szanowni Państwo,

Miło nam poinformować, że od nowego roku kalendarzowego Biblioteka AMKP zapewni sieciowy dostęp do bazy RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text. Jednak już teraz zapraszamy do korzystania z dostępu przed-subskrypcyjnego.

Baza została dodana do listy na platformie EBSCOhost ( i jest dostępna w ramach sieci adresów IP uczelni lub zdalnie, z komputerów domowych i urządzeń mobilnych. O możliwość dostępu zdalnego prosimy pytać w Bibliotece.

Przypominamy też, że informacje o wszystkich bazach udostępnianych w Bibliotece AMKP znaleźć można w zakładce E-ZASOBY.


You are welcome to test the next EBSCO’s music database:
RIPM Jazz Periodicals: Music, History, and Culture

Access will be available until 18.06.2024.

The databases have been added HERE (EBSCOhost platform) and can be accessed within our Academic IP address network (i.e. in the Reading Room on all computers connected to our Academic network) or remotely, from the personal computers and mobile devices.
Detailed information was sent out to academic e-mail addresses.

We also encourage to install and use the EBSCO mobile app EBSCO Mobile App Poster (A3)

Link to the online instruction HERE.


You are welcome to test the following EBSCO’s music databases:

Music Index with Full Text – access available until 5.06.2024 (60 days)
RILM Music Encyclopedias – access available until 5.06.2024 (60 days)
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text – access available until 5.06.2024 (60 days)
RIPM Preservation Series: European & North American Music Periodicals – access available until 4.05.2024 (30 days)
RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals – access available until 3.06.2024

The databases have been added HERE (EBSCOhost platform) and can be accessed within our Academic IP address network (i.e. in the Reading Room on all computers connected to our Academic network) or remotely, from the personal computers and mobile devices.

Detailed information was sent out to academic e-mail addresses.

Links available in “E-RESOURCES” tab.


Following the demands made at the last meeting of the AMKP Library Council we kindly inform that from the April 8th, 2024 the AMKP Library – i.e. Lending room, Reading room and Record library – will be open from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm.


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