Who can use the Library?

Anyone interested can use the library resources on site, while students and employees of our Academy, as well as the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University can borrow ordered publications.
To borrow materials from the AMKP Library resources, you must first register.


How to register with the Library?

An online account can be set up with the librarian on duty in the Lending Room (rm 122). You need a valid student or doctoral student ID card to register.
You can also register in the system by yourself – by creating a user account in the Main Catalogue (Account/Register: https://katalog.amuz.krakow.pl/registration). However, you need to visit the Lending Room for data verification to complete the registration.


What is a pressmark (call number) and where can I find it?

A pressmark (call number) is a sequence of numbers and letters identifying a sheet music, book or recording, located:
– in card catalogues – in the upper corner of the card,
– on the cover of a sheet music copy, book, recording in the upper left corner.

Entering the call number is essential when filling in orders and lending forms manually.

The call number is also visible in the details of the individual titles in the online catalogue. When placing an order, the call number is automatically printed on the lending form.


What do the letters in the pressmark (call number) mean and do I need to include them when placing an order?

The letters are an essential part of the pressmark – they must always be included. They mean:
– for sheet music:
m. p. – small score,
d. p. – large score,
m. o. – orchestral material
l. ch. or m.ch. – choral literature,
– for recordings: type of media, e.g. CD, DVD, K (cassette tape); a pressmark without letters indicates a recording on a vinyl disc.

What does the red frame around the pressmark (call number) on the catalogue card and sheet music cover mean?

The red frame around the pressmark means that a given copy cannot be borrowed, but can only be used in the Reading Room or during classes – provided that a valid student or doctoral student ID card is left instead.

Is a copy that cannot be borrowed (with a red frame around the pressmark on the catalogue card) always available immediately?

Not necessarily. It depends on the position.

How can I set up an online account?

An online account can be set up with the librarian on duty in the Lending Room (rm 122). To do it, you will need a valid student or doctoral student ID card.

Why can’t I log in to my existing online account after beginning my master’s studies?

In the case of moving to the next stage of study the online account needs to be updated – due to the change of the student ID card. The update is made by the librarian in the Lending Room (rm 122).

How can I order sheet music?

Sheet music can be ordered online (via the Main Catalogue or the Digital Sheet Music Card Catalogue) or directly in the Lending Room using the traditional Card Catalogue. Reference collections, which are listed here, are available without the need to order.

How can I order a book?

Books should be ordered online – through the Main Catalogue. Reference collections, which are listed here, are available without the need to order.

How can I order a recording?

Audiovisual materials can be ordered online through the Main Catalogue or directly at the Record Library (rm 118), using the traditional Card Catalogue available on site. Remember that the Main Catalogue lists only a part of the audiovisual collections. If you have found a recording in the Main Catalogue, you can send a request for its availability to the following address: fonoteka@amuz.krakow.pl or search the Card Catalogue yourself.

How long is the delivery time for the orders placed in the Lending Room?

Orders placed in the Lending Room will be available:

  • while you wait – for reference collections (listed here),
  • on the same day – for other books and sheet music, ordered through electronic catalogues before 8:00 a.m.,
  • on the next working day – for other books and sheet music, ordered personally or through electronic catalogues after 8:00 a.m.



How long is the delivery time for the orders placed in the Record Library?

Orders placed in the Record Library will be available:

  • on the same day – for recordings on digital storage discs (CD, DVD, CD-ROM, Blu-Ray) ordered electronically before 8:00 a.m.
  • on the next working day – for recordings on digital storage discs (CD, DVD, CD-ROM, Blu-Ray) ordered after 8:00 a.m.
  • in 2 working days maximum – for recordings on analogue discs, cassettes and VHS tapes.

How long can I keep the book/sheet music I have borrowed?

  • Students may keep the sheet music and books borrowed (except for orchestral and choral materials) for 150 days. When needed, the original borrowing period may be extended by a student once, for the subsequent 30 days.
  • Employees may keep the sheet music and books borrowed for 150 days. When needed, the original borrowing period may be extended by an employee twice, each time for the subsequent 30 days.
  • Orchestral and choral materials shall be returned in 3 working days after the concert. The extension is not possible.

How long can I keep the recording I have borrowed?

  • Students may keep the audiovisual materials borrowed for 14 days. Extension is not possible.
  • Employees may keep the audiovisual materials borrowed for 30 days. When needed, the original borrowing period may be extended once, for the subsequent 30 days.

Can I renew the loan period for books/sheet music?

Yes, the original loan period may be extended when needed.

  • Students may renew the loan period once, for the subsequent 30 days.
  • Employees may renew the loan period twice – each time for the subsequent 30 days.

You can renew the loan period on your electronic account by yourself, or you can get the renewal done by a librarian on duty.


Can I renew the loan period for the recordings?

  • Students may not renew recordings.
  • Employees may renew the loan period once, for the subsequent 30 days – through the electronic account by themselves, or get the renewal done by a librarian on duty.

What should I do if I have lost a book, sheet music or recording?

In the event of loss or destroy of library materials, do not take action on your own, but immediately report to the Lending Room or the Record Library. The librarian on duty will provide further information.

Can I use Naxos Music/Video Library / Oxford Music Online / JSTOR databases at home and in a dormitory?

Students and employees of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow have the opportunity to use these bases outside the Academy. For details, please ask at the Lending Room, Reading Room or Record Library.

How can I log in to the Wi-Fi network?

Access data to the Wi-Fi network can be found in the Teacher and Student/PhD student modules – tab in the NESOS system.

How will my data be processed after registering with the Library?

After registering with the Library, the data will be processed in accordance with the GDPR (Personal data processing notice), according to Article 13 points 1 and 2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

If you have any questions, contact the data protection supervisor at the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow at the following e-mail address: iodo@amuz.krakow.pl.


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