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Term of office 2024-2028

On September 1st, 2024, at the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow a new term of office began.

Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Sielski became the rector, and prof. dr hab. Piotr Lato, dr hab. Piotr Różański and dr Maria Wilczek-Krupa became vice-rectors. The term of office will last until August 31st, 2028.

On the September 4th, the deans and the director of Doctoral School have been appointed:

Dean of the Faculty I – dr hab. Agnieszka Draus, prof. AMKP
Dean of the Faculty II – prof. dr hab. Jan Kalinowski
Dean of the Faculty III – prof. dr hab. Jacek Ozimkowski

Director of Doctoral School – prof. dr hab. Marek Stefański

The list of members of the AMKP Senate has been published here.