Entrance examinations for the candidates who choose Conducting (bachelor’s degree):

Stage 1. The core subject examination – two components
The scope of the examinations is in accordance with the scope of knowledge possessed after completing the secondary music school and instrumental studies

1. Conducting a prepared piece of music and a test of conducting aptitude – a practical examination.

2. An interview held individually with the candidate
(checking the knowledge of pieces from the core of repertoire of symphonic music from listening and on the basis of a score presented by the committee; checking the knowledge of musical styles, basics of instrumental studies; discussion on artistic interests, history of conducting, history of music with particular emphasis on Polish music)

Stage 2. Supplementary examinations

harmony – an oral practical examination (the level of knowledge corresponding to the level of the secondary music school is required)
1. A proposal of the functional interpretation and harmonization of the provided soprano.
2. Performing harmonization of the provided melody line on the piano (in four-part or any other texture)
3. Performing the provided modulation on the piano (diatonic, chromatic or enharmonic – at the candidate’s option).
4. A harmonic analysis of a musical text fragment (classicism, romanticism – piano literature).

ear training – an oral practical examination
(the required scope of skills and knowledge (curricular scope): corresponding to the level of the secondary music school)
1. An aural analysis of chord structures (intervals, triads and tetrads in melodic and/or harmonic sequence).
2. Harmonic interpretation of a musical fragment performed on the piano, heard by the candidate.
3. Analysing simple and compound time signatures and performing a two-part polyrhythm.
4. Singing a phrase of several bars or a polyphonic exercise: performing two plans from a given polyphony – one with the voice, the other on the piano.

• piano playing and sight-reading – a practical examination (two pieces of a varied character (including a polyphonic composition) to be performed from memory).