Entrance examinations for the candidates who choose Church Music (master’s degree).

The core subject examination:

• playing an instrument (organ or piano)

Programme (repertoire) for candidates taking an organ exam:
1. Two free-choice pieces by a 17th-18th century composer.
2. A free-choice piece (or parts of it) by a 19th-21st century composer.
3. Performing an improvised overture and harmonization of any church song.

Programme (repertoire) for candidates taking a piano exam (from memory):
1. J. S. Bach – prelude and fugue (from WTC)
2. An etude of virtuoso character
3. A free-choice piece by a 19th-21st century composer.
4. Performing an improvised overture and harmonization of any church song.

The supplementary examination:
a test of conducting skills

1. a piece from the renaissance or baroque period using polyphonic techniques

2. a piece by a 20th – 21st century composer with a minimum of four-part texture.