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Magdalena Długosz – composition

Długosz Magdalena
Photo by Maria Wiktoria Hübner

She graduated in composition from the Academy of Music in Kraków, the class of Professor Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar, and in music theory under Professor Józef Patkowski.  Since 1979, she has worked in the Electroacoustic Music Studio at the Academy of Music in Kraków.  Her first works were created in the Krakow studio and subsequently in the Experimental Studio of the Polish Radio in Warsaw, the Institut for Electro-Acoustic Music (EMS) in Sweden in Stockholm, the EAS in Radio Bratislava, Studio GRAME (Groupe de Recherche Appliquee en Musique Electroacoustique) in Lyon, IMEB – Bourges.  Her works have been performed at Polish contemporary music festivals (Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Krakow) as well as abroad (Nuremberg, Cologne, Berlin, Dresden, Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Bratislava, Lyon, Seoul, Taegu, Washington, Augusta, Strasbourg, Stuttgart, Bourges, Lviv, Bucharest, Minsk, New York). In 2013, her monographic album was released as part of the series of publications of the Polish Composers’ Union / Polish Music Information Centre made in cooperation with the Polish Radio and entitled “Polish Music Today – Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers”.  The same year, she earned her post-doctoral degree in Musical Arts.

Her teaching classes in the Electroacoustic Music Studio at the Academy of Music include an introduction to computer-assisted composition, participation in the realisation of works by students and guest composers, and computer-assisted ear training.