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Recognition of academic degrees

Nostrification is a procedure of recognition of foreign academic degrees, professional titles and diplomas in Poland. Nostrification may be carried out for the documents which cannot be considered as equivalent to the relevant Polish diploma and professional title on the basis of another international agreement.


Documents on recognition procedure:

Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on recognition of academic degrees and art degrees awarded abroad – Polish original version  English translation

AMKP Rector’s Ordinance No. 6/2021 on fees for recognition of academic diplomas and degrees 



6th floor, room 1

Head of the Office of Council for the Discipline of Musical Arts
mgr Anna Dziurdzia-Szymula

mgr Monika Wójcik

tel. +48 12 422 78 45
tel. +48 12 422 04 55 ext. 127