Verification of learning outcomes for qualifications at the 8th level of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Template of application for verification of learning outcomes – to be submitted in Polish

Application for verification of learning outcomes with English explanations

NOTE: A diploma obtained abroad, giving the right to apply for the award of a degree of doktor, must be apostilled or legalised.

The Academy does not act as an intermediary in the procedure for obtaining the apostille/legalization.

In the case of foreign diplomas, the candidate is required to submit a certificate from the National Agency for Academic Exchange on the recognition of the diploma in order to apply for the award of a doctoral degree in Poland.

PQF level 8 descriptors reflect the preparation of a person with a qualification at this level to analyse and creatively synthesise world scientific and artistic achievements to identify, formulate and innovatively solve very complex problems or conduct research to develop new achievements in the field.

They indicate that the person:

– is able to define the purpose and object of study and formulate a research hypothesis,

– is able to use scientific and artistic achievements to develop existing and new methods, techniques and research tools, and creatively apply them in practice, including in the development of new materials, methods, technologies and products;
– is able to transfer the results of his/her work to the economic and social spheres,

– is able to design the legal and organisational conditions conducive to the development of conducted business,

– is able to plan and implement individual and collaborative research or creative projects;

– lead a group and take responsibility for it;

– participate in the exchange of ideas, also in the internationalcommunity,

– is able to independently plan personal development and to inspire and organise the development of other people; develop education/training programmes and conduct tchem using modern methods and tools,

– is ready to uphold and develop the ethos of the research and artistic communities, develop and establish models of proper conduct in the workplace and in other environments, contribute creatively to improving quality and the culture of cooperation.


Knows and understands:

– the world’s achievements relating to: theoretical foundations, general and selected specific issues of the academic or artistic discipline at a level enabling the revision of existing paradigms,

– the main scientific developments in the academic or artistic disciplines essential to the study programme;

– the methodology of scientific research.


Is able to:

– take advantage of knowledge from different academic or artistic fields to creatively identify, formulate and innovatively solve complex problems or perform research activities, especially:

  • to define the aim and subject of the research, formulate a research hypothesis,
  • develop research methods, techniques and tools and use them creatively,
  • draw conclusions on the basis of research results,

– disseminate research results, also to the general public;

– initiate debates;

– participate in academic discourse;
– use a foreign language at a level that enables participation in international academic and professional communities.


Is ready to:

– critically evaluate the achievements of one’s academic discipline;
– critically evaluate one’s contributions to the development of that field;
– recognize the value of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems;
– fulfil the social obligations of researchers and artists;

– initiate activities on behalf of the public interest;
– think and act in an enterprising manner;
– uphold and develop the ethos of the research and artistic communities,


• conducting research in an independent manner
• respecting the principle of the public ownership of academicresearch results, taking into account intellectual property rights.


Zarządzenie nr 4 (Rector’s Ordinance No. 4/2020) w sprawie wysokości i sposobu wnoszenia opłat za usługi edukacyjne związane z weryfikacją efektów uczenia się dla kwalifikacji na poziomie VIII Polskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji na potrzeby postępowania w sprawie nadania stopnia doktora

In accordance with the Rector’s Ordinance No. 4, the candidate applying for verification of learning outcomes at the 8th level of the Polish Qualifications Framework pays a fee to the bank account number: PL 41 1240 2294 1111 0000 3708 8240 in the amount of: PLN 1,500 (SWIFT/BIC PKOPPLPW). It is important to make the payment in the currency: Polish zloty.