Psychological help

Psychological help

We would like to remind you that in the current academic year AMKP’s students will still be able to benefit from free-of-charge psychological or psychotherapeutic help within duty provided by Julia Kaleńska-Rodzaj, PhD (music psychologist, CBT psychotherapist, working on supervision). Meetings are conducted in a form of individual consultations and depending on your preferences can be held intramurally at the office KODA (Długa 3 street) or online via Skype (psychologkoda): during 45-50 mins consultations there is space to work on various problems: – strictly musical problems (motivation, regulation of emotions and stage fright, setting objectives, self-esteem) related to practicing and performing; – coping with everyday challenges (stress, fear of an illness);

– experiencing a crisis in relations and artistic life (panic attacks, anxiety and depression disorders).

Ms Julia Kaleńska-Rodzaj, PhD also invites musicians preparing for very important performances (competitions, auditions, recitals, diplomas), who want to work on increasing their emotional resilience on the stage.
All information received from you during meetings is treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to any third parties.

Every AMKP student can arrange a meeting: by phone: 506075297, via email:, via skype: psychologkoda, through the contact form on the website:

Do not hesitate to ask for help when in need.