Postgraduate Studies at the Instrumental Faculty


4-20 September 2024 – ONLINE REGISTRATION
25-27 September 2024 – EXAMS

Postgraduate Studies at the Instrumental Faculty last four semesters. Their goal is a professional development of instrumental artists through the implementation of individual artistic plans under the guidance of outstanding teachers of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow.

The studies are carried out as:

Solo play:

  • perfecting instrumental abilities
  • mastering interpretations of works by selected composers and styles
  • methodological issues related to playing the instrument

Chamber music:

  • for chamber ensembles undertaking postgraduate studies together
  • individual plans for pianists

Contemporary music performance:

  • solo (piano)
  • chamber music
  • for chamber ensembles undertaking postgraduate studies together



Registration of candidates takes place in the electronic registration module (MERK) of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow, through the following link:

Registration dates: from 4 September 2024, 00:01 to 20 September 2024, 23:59.


What should be uploaded with the registration form:

  • a colour photo, requirements as for an identity document
  • scan of the first- or second-degree graduation diploma
  • individual postgraduate studies project: planned repertoire, planned competitions, concerts and other artistic plans
  • name of the teacher with whom the candidate would like to study
  • CV, documentation of artistic achievements, opinions, letters of recommendation

The correct submission of the form will be confirmed by an automatic message (please do not reply).




The entrance examination fee is PLN 150.

Bank account number: 41 1240 2294 1111 0000 3708 8240, with a note “entrance examination fee”.

Candidates admitted to the entrance examination are required to pay the entrance examination fee, the proof of which should be kept and submitted to the Secretariat of Postgraduate Studies, room No. 116, or send to the following address:

It is possible to take an entrance examination in the winter session and start studying in the summer semester.

Who may be admitted to postgraduate studies? Foreigners who have a first-cycle, second-cycle or long-cycle master’s degree studies diploma obtained in Poland, a legalized or apostille diploma, or other document of completion of first-cycle or second-cycle studies or long-cycle master’s degree studies abroad recognized as equivalent with the relevant Polish diploma of completing first- or second-cycle studies or long-cycle master’s degree studies, in accordance with the provisions on the recognition of diplomas of higher education obtained abroad, unless they have been exempted from the recognition procedure under these provisions, or recognized, on the basis of an international agreement, as equivalent to the appropriate Polish diploma of completion of first- or second-cycle studies or long-cycle master’s degree studies or entitling to undertake postgraduate studies in the Republic of Poland.
(Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 5 June 2018)



Soloist specialties:

  • recital (the program includes works by composers from different periods, duration approx. 50 minutes)
  • interview

The commission has the right to shorten the recital program. The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow does not provide candidates with a collaborative pianist during the exam.

Chamber music:

  • presentation of a chamber ensemble declaring to undertake postgraduate studies together (possibility of performing a solo recital for pianists).

Contemporary music performance:

  • the repertoire should include: works composed before 1900, a piece from the years 1900-1940 and at least 3 compositions written after 1951, covering the most important trends in music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Candidates who are graduates of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow and completed their studies with the highest score (a very good or very good grade with honors) in the same year, may be exempt from the recital – only for the soloist specializations.

Postgraduate Studies at the Instrumental Faculty will be launched if minimum number of candidates is accepted. The final decision is made by the Rector.



The study program will be developed individually for each postgraduate student in consultation with the leading teacher and heads of departments.

At the end of each year of postgraduate studies, there is an examination in the form of a concert.

The studies include:

  • Main subject

Postgraduate students receive a certificate of completion of postgraduate studies at the Instrumental Faculty of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow, according to a template of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.



The fees are determined annually by the Rector of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow. Fees in the academic year 2023/2024:

PLN 4,000 – soloist student per semester;
PLN 4,800 – soloist student with accompanist per semester;

PLN 5,000* – chamber music per semester.

*the fee for the chamber ensemble is paid in equal parts by each member of the ensemble. This fee is independent of the number of people in the ensemble.
(Ordinance No. 18/2022 of the Rector of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow).

The fee should be made by the due date to the bank account of the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow:

41 1240 2294 1111 0000 3708 8240 (in PLN) with the annotation: name, surname, what is the fee made for, name of studies, semester/year.

For detailed information please call +48 (12) 421 31 20.



The teaching staff of postgraduate studies consists of teachers with the academic title of professor or the degree of habilitated doctor.

At the request of the candidate there is possibility to study in the class of a selected teacher from the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow, not mentioned in the attached list of teaching staff (with the consent of the Faculty Council).
prof. dr hab. Paweł Krauzowicz