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dr hab. Anna Dębowska-Jaroszek

Dębowska-Jaroszek AnnaAnna Dębowska-Jaroszek, PhD, graduated with honors from Kraków Music Academy in the piano class of prof. Andrzej Pikul in 1997 and then in 2005 earned the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts and her post-doctoral degree in Musical Arts in 2013. Shortly after her graduation, she began upgrading her skills in piano master classes conducted by  K. Kenner, prof. E. Bukojemska, and E. Indjic, as well as in vocal-piano chamber music courses, where she worked under the supervision of  H. Ochs, L. Spitzer, and R. Ambroziak. Anna Dębowska has participated in the following festivals:  Festiwal Pianistyki Polskiej, Tydzień Talentów, Festiwal Młodych Laureatów Konkursów Muzycznych, Dni Karola Szymanowskiego, and Festiwal Kraków 2000. In 1996 and 1997, she won the Tadeusz Żmudziński piano competition (first prize and special prize for the performace of Mazurkas by K. Szymanowski). She has given performances in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the USA,  including appearances with the Radio Symphonic Orchestra in Kraków and the Tarnów Chamber Music Orchestra. As an accompanist, she has worked with a number of reputable pedagogists in their master classes, e.g. prof. Alison Pearce (London), prof. Christian Elßner (Drezden), prof. Charlote Lehmann (Hannover), prof. Ryszard Karczykowski, and prof. Helmuth Rilling (in Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart). Anna’s repertoire includes compositions from Baroque to contemporary music, both solo and chamber music works, including: compositions for violin, viola or cello, vocal works, piano trios, and a selection of opera arias and oratorial works. She successfully combines her artistic activity with the position of Assistant Professor at the Chamber Music Faculty of Kraków Music Academy.